How Do I Motivate My Students? — Capit Learning

How Do I Motivate My Students and Keep them Excited about CAPIT?

Below are three easy-to-implement ideas. There are many more ways teachers can motivate their students. If you have ideas for us, please share them. CLICK HERE and type away.


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Direct Instruction

One of the many benefits of Direct Instruction is student motivation. Kids take cues from adults. Teachers’ passion for CAPIT will rub off on their students. The more teachers engage in the Direct Instruction of CAPIT, the better. Remember to use your Teacher Profile when you demonstrate lessons.

Remember to teach every Reading Skill and every Spelling Card. CLICK HERE to download the CAPIT lesson Plan.

As you demonstrate CAPIT lessons, call students up to help complete various interfaces. Make it fun, engaging, and competitive. For example, put the timed Matching Game on display, and have the kids compete for the high score.

To learn more about our Instructional Model, CLICK HERE.

Later, when your students are working inside their user profile, walk around the room asking students for their lesson number. High Five every student, no matter what the answer is. Tell them how happy you are. Soon your students will announce what Level and Lesson they're on.


Certificates of Completion

We created certificates for students who complete each CAPIT. Please download these certificates, print them out (in color) and show them to your students. Explain to them that they will receive them when they complete each level. You can conduct a mini graduation ceremony every time a student earns a certificate. Make a big deal out of it and read the certificate to your entire class. You can hang them on the wall or send them home. These certificates will help motivate your students to work hard.

CLICK HERE to download the certificates.

CAPIT Reader Chart

We created a chart to motivate your students by rewarding them for using CAPIT and completing CAPIT lessons every day.

Please log into your Teacher Portal each day, and use the filter to see which of your students progressed today by completing a new CAPIT lesson. Students who progressed today get a sticker.

You can also check your students’ usage once a week. On Friday, filter your Teacher Portal to display the activity generated from Monday to Friday. Give a sticker to students who used CAPIT 5 or 4 days this week.

Please remember that only completing a NEW lesson will register as Active Usage.

To download the CAPIT Reader Chart, CLICK HERE.

For a Digital Version of this CAPIT Reader Chart, CLICK HERE.

To learn how you can enlist parents to help motivate your students at home, CLICK HERE.