How Do I Know if My Child is Progressing in CAPIT?
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QUESTIONS: I can see my child working on CAPIT every day, but the teacher does not see any usage. Is my child using CAPIT incorrectly?
Does my child get credit for playing the Matching Games or listening to the ABC Song?
Does CAPIT record the time/minutes spent on CAPIT?
ANSWERS: The most critical analytic collected by the CAPIT Program is the students’ Usage which we call Days of Progress. We define Days of Progress as a completion of a NEW CAPIT Lesson. Completing old lessons (Fig. 1), completing only half a new lesson, playing the Matching Games (Fig. 2), and listening to the ABC Song (Fig. 3), will not count as Days of Progress.
Furthermore, CAPIT indicates Active Usage in Days spent on CAPIT. In other words:
Students need to complete at least one NEW lesson each day, although most children can complete multiple lessons a day (Fig. 1).
Because students learn at different rates, CAPIT does not collect the Time students spent using the program. It indicates only the number of Days the student completed new lessons.
If students worked on CAPIT for ten days, but in three of the days they played games or colored and did not complete any lessons, CAPIT will only display 7 Days pf Progress.
If a student completed 2 Lessons in 1 Day, CAPIT will count it as 1 Day of Progress.
Fig. 1: Completing Old Lessons does not count as Active Usage
Fig. 2: The CAPIT Matching Games do not count as Active Usage
Fig. 3: The CAPIT Song does not count as Active Usage
Looking to motivate your child?
Keep Reading below…
Motivating Your Child
We created a chart to help motivate your child by rewarding them for completing CAPIT Lessons. Download the chart and print it (in color). Please write your child’s name on the chart and hang it prominently (the fridge is always a good place).
At the end of each day, have your child show you the last lesson they completed. Give your child a high five, and write down the lesson number in the CAPIT Reader Chart.