Why am I Having Volume Issues with CAPIT? — Capit Learning

Why am I Having Volume Issues with CAPIT?

iPads have 2 volume settings. One controls the iPad's speaker and the other controls your headphones. The two work independently of each other. This can lead to a situation where you get good volume on the speaker but no volume once you plug in your headphones. So please remember to adjust your volume again after inserting your headphones.

If you ever connect your iPad to your digital board—and forget that it is still connected—you may wonder why you have no volume on your iPad. This is because the volume is transferring to the digital board. Be sure to disconnect from your board, and your volume will once again come through the iPad speaker or your headphones.

Please note that some students might accidentally connect to the digital board in your room or to a digital board in a nearby room via Airplay. Make sure to check the Airplay setting on their device even if you haven't personally connected to a digital board with that iPad.