CAPIT Hands-On Teacher Training
Explore CAPIT with your Sample Student Account
To experience the program from the student’s perspective. To fully understand how CAPIT works, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Take the Initial Placement Test
Experience the CAPIT Placement Test from the perspective of a beginning reader who does not know the relationships between sounds and letters.
Sample and Teacher profiles
We created your account with a Teacher profile and a Sample profile. You will use the Teacher profile to teach CAPIT lessons. The Sample account enables you to experience the program from the student’s perspective.
Go ahead and choose the Sample profile.
The Picture Password is Chicken-Elephant
Level Selection Menu
You are now in the Level Selection Menu.
Notice that students entering the program for the first time can only select the Level 1 button.
Go ahead and choose Level 1.
Section 1 of the CAPIT Placement Test
Notice that you are not in Level 1, although you can see Level 1 in the background.
You are looking at the CAPIT Placement Test.
Every student must take the Placement Test.
The Placement Test has 11 Sections.
This is Section 1 of the Placement Test. It checks if the student knows the sounds that correspond to the Lowercase and Uppercase letters.
Students who pass Section 1 of the Placement Test will skip Level 1.
Please fail the Placement Test.
You get 3 chances
You get 3 chances to pass Section 1 of the Placement Test.
Please fail the Placement Test three times in a row.
No more chances
You failed Section 1 of the Placement Test 3 times in a row.
Students who fail Section 1 of the Placement Test three times in a row do not know their sounds/letters. They need to complete CAPIT Level 1.
Please exit the Placement Test by clicking your initials.
CAPIT will take you to the beginning of Level 1.
Step 2: Explore Level 1
Experience CAPIT Level 1 from the perspective of a student who does not know the relationships between sounds and letters.
Level 1
You can now explore Level 1.
For a full understanding of Level 1, we suggest that you complete the first 16 lessons.
Please complete Level 1 lessons.
Check your Teacher Portal to monitor your progress.
Step 3: Skip Level 1
If a student decides that Level 1 is too easy, the student can skip Level 1 by relaunching the Placement Test. Skipping Level 1 is only recommended for older and more advanced students. Beginning readers should work through Level 1.
Level Selection Menu
To relaunch the CAPIT Placement Test, navigate to the Level Selection Menu.
Notice that you can now select Level 2.
Please select Level 2.
Relaunch the Placement Test, Section 1
Notice that you are not in Level 2, although you can see Level 2 in the background.
You are looking at Section 1 of the CAPIT Placement Test.
Section 1 checks if the student knows the sounds that correspond to the Lowercase and Uppercase letters.
Students who pass Section 1 of the Placement Test will skip Level 1.
Please take the Placement Test, but this time don’t fail.
Check your Teacher Portal to monitor your progress.
End of Section 1 of the CAPIT Placement Test
CAPIT will congratulate you for completing Section 1 of the Placement Test.
You now have two choices.
Option 1: You can click on the arrow and take the next section of the Placement Test. The Placement Test has 11 sections.
Option 2: You can click on the button that says, “Lesson 1.” If you do, CAPIT will take you to Level 2, Lesson 1.
Please click on Lesson 1.
Step 4: Explore Level 2
Experience CAPIT Level 2 from as a student who is ready to learn how sounds/letters blend to form words.
Level 2
You can now explore Level 2.
For a full understanding of Level 2, we suggest that you complete the first 17 lessons.
Please complete Level 2 lessons.
Check your Teacher Portal to monitor your progress.
Step 5: Skip Some Level 2 Lessons
If a student decides that Level 2 is too easy, the student can skip Level 2 lessons by relaunching the Placement Test.
Level Selection Menu
To relaunch the CAPIT Placement Test, navigate to the Level Selection Menu.
Notice that you can now select Level 3.
Please select Level 3.
Relaunch the Placement Test, Section 2
Notice that you are not in Level 3, although you can see Level 3 in the background.
You are looking at Section 2 of the CAPIT Placement Test.
Section 2 checks if the student knows how sounds/letters blend to create words.
In Section 2, you will need to spell 30 words.
Students who pass Section 2 of the Placement Test will skip to Level 2, Lesson 63.
The CAPIT Placement Test has 11 sections.
Please take the Placement Test, and be careful not to fail.
End of Section 2 of the CAPIT Placement Test
CAPIT will congratulate you for completing Section 2 of the Placement Test.
You now have two options.
Option 1: You can click on the arrow and take the next section of the Placement Test.
Option 2: You can click on the button that says “Lesson 63.” If you do, CAPIT will take you to Level 2, Lesson 63.
Please click on Lesson 63.
Check your Teacher Portal to monitor your progress.
Explore Level 2
You can now explore more lessons in Level 2.
Check your Teacher Portal to monitor your progress.